Trading your Talent
Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
Next »(I'm led to write this) From a recent survey and information, I came to understand that it is sisters that are driving the HEADSHIP of the relationship. And most times, it doesn't end well. (Follow me) You're the one telling him to pray, study and operate as a man. You're the one teaching him the scriptures and other spiritual things. As "Nice…
Next »In a faraway town, there was a rich man. He was concerned with the unemployment rate among the youth of his community, so he decided to help them and put them through a simple test. He sent his servants to put up 3 posters for job placement in three strategic places in the town. The king was pleased, and the youth were excited. A certain number of entries were acce…
Next »DEPRESSION Depression doesn't have respect for social status, that's why it must be guided against. A toxic word from a boss can make an employee depressed and lose morale for the job and reduce his commitment to the company. A foul word from a spouse can make either of them sad and weeping on the inside. A student may fail an important course and becaus…
Next »Heart Transformation Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. The transformation of the mind takes time and takes high level of work. Because the Holy Ghost needs to format your mind of old nature, thought, lifestyle, belief sys…
Next »One relationship lesson from Mary. When angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her she'll be carrying the pregnancy of Jesus, she did something that is very provoking. She didn't say, "You know what Angel Gabriel, let me speak with my man, and see if he'll allow me to carry this pregnancy or not. I'll be right back..." No, she accepted the …
Next »Your Gifts Before Kings Daniel 5:14 I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee. Daniel served Nebuchadnezzar, his son, Darius, and also King Cyrus (Dan 1vs21). What made him stand out in those dispensations? He knew God and was committed to his gifts for use. For a man …
Next »Lessons From Two Families _____________ The First Family As their custom is, every first Sunday of the month, they ensure that their little boy has a special offering and also a special gift for their pastor. "This one is to be dropped inside the offering basket, and the other one, you're to give it to pastor, okay? Don't worry I'll be giving you e…
Next »DISCERNMENT Malachi 3:18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not. Discernment is Highly Recommended at this time, because of mixtures of many "goods" that are not God's. A man that walks in discernment will have few friends, and most times, his ways becomes unpr…
Next »Stepping into God's Riches *** If you asked the Lord for something, and He blesses you with it. The next thing He looks for is where your heart will be. In what He provided or in Him as the provider? If your heart is still fixed on Jesus irrespective of how "big" and "great" you are. He'll keep blessing you more. You'll now discover …
Next »THE NIGHTTIME I remember a man some years ago. Very active, agile and up to task. His eyes were still clear enough and his body still cooperates with his soul. His thinking ability were sharp and quick to respond to stimuli. Many years down the line, he's getting old. From his gesture, you could see someone who may retire soon. The body is not ready to cooperat…
Next »FATHERHOOD A father's heart is mostly on the field. Because of the way God wired each gender, He made them wonderful and unique. Even when he's quiet, he thinks about how to improve his family. Even when he smiles, he's not happy about how things are going for him. A boss is treating him anyhow at the workplace. So much pressure on him to perform his du…
Next »The Promptings. Two days ago, I finished working on my laptop in the morning. I had a strong urge to pray against losses. The prayer was intense, so I quickly discharged until I gained peace. A few hours after that, I was to alight from a Keke napep. I forgot to hold my phone very well and the roadside was filled with water. As I stepped out, my phone was almost into…
Next »The Guided Light. There are many ways God speaks and Lead His children, and that's why we must be conversant with His Operations and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Don't box Him into "Hearing His Voice" alone, He still speaks via non verbal communications. While growing up, I had intentions of what I wanted to become, as I grow older, I d…
Next »Spiritual Health The activities of the spiritual life has references to the physical life. For example, if you don't eat, your body will lack the strength to prosecute what it needs to do. If you're not feeding your spiritual life with God's word and prayer, you'll be lean and weak. Just as we go for gym, early morning exercise and all, our spiritua…
Next »The Pastor/Minister's Child If you're a pastor or minister's child, people have great expectations (towards and) from you. Your life and ways is being monitored even though you're not aware. Not because you demanded for it, but the 'environment' you find yourself created that possibility and you must develop muscles to carry the responsibili…
Next »THE DEAD CHILD When a farmer plant a seed, he follows it up to know the ones that have to germinate so he can concentrate on the one that isn't. A plant is said to be fruitful because it has ingredients of life. The work of photosynthesis is to aid the seed to germinate. The seeds that died in the soil, lack the ingredients of life, so they cannot bud forth. 1 …
Next »EVER-PRESENT PRESENCE Job 35:16 Therefore doth Job open his mouth in vain; he multiplieth words without knowledge. One of the major works of the devil is to plant unbelief into the heart of men. The devil's mission is to paint God in a bad light. So, he sows the seeds of depression, anxiety, and unbelief. Even though it was God who permitted that experience to…
Next »WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT. You may be dutiful in church but you don't know the Lord of the Church. You might even be elected in a position or even a deacon of a church yet you're not one of His. God is more concerned about your salvation than just your service to Him. Service rendered without Christ at heart is not recognised in heaven. You may even be giving …
Next »PROCESS AND ORDER When a man is saved. Irrespective of his age, he's a babe in Christ, and as he grows up, he begins to come into knowledge of the environment he's in (Christ), learn the culture and the way of the Kingdom. Our God is a God of process and order. Jesus came as a child and grew till He became a man. He could have just come as a full grown man,…
Next »RIGHTEOUSNESS AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE. There are churches that believe that, since you're Holy, you don't need to engage in spiritual warfare, your Holiness is enough. In fact, some churches don't pray. This is an erroneous teaching and imbalance diet to a soul. It makes many Believers weak and incapable of Spiritual things. Being RIGHTEOUS is the first l…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
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