Depression doesn't have respect for social status, that's why it must be guided against. 

A toxic word from a boss can make an employee depressed and lose morale for the job and reduce his commitment to the company. 

A foul word from a spouse can make either of them sad and weeping on the inside.

A student may fail an important course and because of that entered into a season of depressed. 

Seeing your mates doing what you could do and achieve can push a man into immediate depression. 

Many turn downs from clients can bring in sudden depressed and bring in zero passion towards cause.

Looking at some struggles within the immediate family will bring it depression.

Low turn out in business can bring in depression.

Low self-esteem will bring in depression.

A believer can be depressed.

The rich can be depressed.

The poor can be depressed.

Depression will want to knock on the door, be sure not to open the door.

The life God gave you is so precious than for you to take it by yourself through suicide.

When depression comes, turn your hearts to Jesus for Him to help you, you'll experience the comfort that the Holy Spirit gives.

Jesus is the Only Way!

If you're yet to surrender your life to Him, please do.

Life's beautiful with Him.

You'll have many challenges in this world but with Christ, you'll overcome. 

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


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