Your Gifts Before Kings


Your Gifts Before Kings

Daniel  5:14 I have even heard of thee, that the spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in thee.

Daniel served Nebuchadnezzar, his son, Darius, and also King Cyrus (Dan 1vs21). 

What made him stand out in those dispensations? He knew God and was committed to his gifts for use. For a man to stay relevant in different seasons, definitely he knows his 'ways around the mountain'.

Before you can appear before kings, here are processes you must pass through.

1. Discover and develop your gifts.

It is what you discover that you can develop. If you don't discover what gifts God has placed within you, your journey to the presence of kings is not in view.

Discovering your gifts isn't enough, you must develop them. Give it all the discipline and commitment, and you'll come out better.

2. Continuous Development.

The more you practice, the more you get better, and you're not far from mastery. Daniel didn't just start to interpret dreams the first time he was called by Nebuchadnezzar, he definitely developed himself, before the exile.

3. Kings understand excellent results.

You don't appear before kings as an amateur. Imagine Daniel trying to test his gifts if they will work before Nebuchadnezzar, he will have been beheaded. Kings understand one language, RESULTS.

If you can't, you can't. If you can, you can. The presence of the kings is for delivery not a place of trial and error.

If you don't like excellence, you can't stand before kings.

4. Pay attention to your circles.

Daniel had three friends, with whom they walk and worked together. Association isn't by how numerous they were, only a few can be reasonable. 

Can your association help you to the top? Are they drivers towards excellence? Do they understand who you are? Have you seen yourself improve in the times you've been with them?

5. Your Relationship with God.

All of the things Daniel did, he did with the help of God.

Daniel  11:32b "but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits."

In other words, his exploits were tied to his knowledge of God. Have you traded your relationship with God because of a new position?

To sustain your relationship with the kings, you need God. Many people enter the king's presence with their gifts, but only a few sustain the relationships.

You need God.

Accept Jesus Today, and your life will be geared towards destiny.

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Isaiah said…
I understand that sometimes skills are referred to gifts also. Because there are some people in the bible whose gifts are in skills to do something outstandingly. Daniel and Joseph's own was a gift but are we going to call graphic desighning your own gift? Please explain Sir.
We have gifts, skills, and talents.
Sometimes they are used interchangeably but looking closely they all have their unique function, and ultimately to bring God's glory.

Graphic design can be both a gift and skill, but that's not the only thing God gave me for expressions.

There are other functional gifts and skills as well.

Whatever God gave us, whether skills or gifts must be utilized.