The Nighttime



I remember a man some years ago.

Very active, agile and up to task.

His eyes were still clear enough and his body still cooperates with his soul.

His thinking ability were sharp and quick to respond to stimuli.

Many years down the line, he's getting old.

From his gesture, you could see someone who may retire soon.

The body is not ready to cooperate but it must by fire.

I remember he called me last year and gave some goodly words.

In some years to come, he probably won't be able to walk down the street anymore.

Children (or grandchildren) will have to be at his beck and call.

Thus, the body has finally broken down.

This is reality that awaits every man.

Jesus said, "work while it is still day". Night is the time that there won't be strengthen to carry a bowl, but what you labour during your "daytime" will speak for you in the "night".

Reckless life and wayward life will pay your "night" a bitter wages that you cannot resist. The fine young man today will not be the same in the "night". The beautiful lady today, will not be the same in the "night", irrespective of the preservations.

Many aged people today have some regret they wish they can change back in time, but no, time has happened to it. Eternity is ahead of us all.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

Hate sin.

It is not too late to accept Jesus.

Do, because Jesus loves you.



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Thank you sir for the words,more anointing.