A father's heart is mostly on the field. Because of the way God wired each gender, He made them wonderful and unique.
Even when he's quiet, he thinks about how to improve his family.
Even when he smiles, he's not happy about how things are going for him.
A boss is treating him anyhow at the workplace.
So much pressure on him to perform his duties. He's not going to steal, he's working his way to make things work.
Men carry a lot of burden on their minds that they prefer to ruminate over it, than burden their wife with the situation.

Not all men are irresponsible. Situations make some handicapped.
Before you quickly conclude, find out.
Some moms are the reason some kids hated their fathers till today. In trying to revenge, they drag the kids into the scene. So, they grew up seeing their father as an irresponsible man.
Dear, Remove sentiments and purge bitterness from your heart. True, your father may not be there when you need him. He might even forsake you and run away. He might even commit such great evil. One or thing or the other. Forgive him from your heart, if indeed you have encountered the genuine love of God. Don't let the incident make you see all men as irresponsible, you're only injuring yourself. Our own sin was great, yet His Love was greater. Give your dad a chance to love you again!
I believe, no matter how hard the situation, if we allow the love of Jesus to saturate our minds, we can let go of the hate.

Your "evil" father also needs Jesus. You can pray him into salvation. You can pray for this work, pray for his leadership, pray to him for strength and understanding. Mothers can teach their kids to learn how to pray for their father, and for both parents.

Being a Christian is a great deal, by God's wisdom and help, we saturate every crooked path with the light of Jesus, even tho, the situation causes us pain.
The Lord helps us in Jesus' Name. 

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