The Pastor/Minister's Child
If you're a pastor or minister's child, people have great expectations (towards and) from you. Your life and ways is being monitored even though you're not aware. Not because you demanded for it, but the 'environment' you find yourself created that possibility and you must develop muscles to carry the responsibilities.
So, I think it is 'normal'.
People try as much as possible to sync you with your parent's lifestyle, their teachings and their belief system.
The way you talk to the elders in the church, children, teens and handle ministerial duties is being watched.
Yes, you may not know, but you're seriously under watch.
1. They expect you to be flawless and without spot.
2. They expect your "fire" to be on same degree as your parents.
3. They are waiting for the day you'll make mistakes, and they tackle you straight up.
4. They expect to see the replication of your parents teachings and lifestyle in you.
5. They expect you to live and relate with them (church members) with wisdom, even when on ministerial duties.
6. They can delibrately put words in your mouth to know that you'll say.
7. They can gift you and sow into your life courtesy of your parents 'grace' and God's hand on your life.
8. Some will delibrately hurt you in order to know what texture you're made of.
People have an expectation and a perspective about us, which we cannot shy away from. If we know this early, it is best we put it into consideration with God's wisdom.
So these are what you should do.
1. Remember, You're not perfect. Irrespective of their respective, remember you're work in progress. You'll make mistakes. Don't see yourself as Superman, but always ask God for help often.
2. Walk in wisdom. Most pastor's kid talk anyhow because they don't know they are under watch. Many people have left the church because of the way pastor's kids behave. You'll need wisdom to make this right.
3. Respect everyone. Spot the elders in your church. Honour them. Use the word "please" "I'm sorry" often. See them beyond just "Church members", see them as 'parents' at times.
4. Have the consciousness that you're IMPORTANT. Especially as regards your parents way of life, you play a major role in confirming your parent's lifestyle or contradiction. So, see yourself as someone who will bring Glory not shame.
5. Have close mentors. Few people who can give you check up and Godly advice. People who you're not afraid to tell your pains, even aside your parents.
6. Ask God to help you. You'll need His wisdom and help you help you scale and navigate through the characters of men.
7. Tame your tongue. Just one word scattered Judah and Isreal till today. Your choice of words have a long way to go.
8. Don't look down on anyone. Some of the church members today, will be your ladder tomorrow. See yourself as privilege and not bossy.
9. Learn from your parents. See the way they live and relate with people. Emulate the good and Godly character from them. It will help you to know how to relate with people. Eli's children didn't follow their father's lifestyle, they later pay dearly for it.
10. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He'll teach you what to do and what to say at every given time. Surrender to Him and be flexible. Just focus on living like Jesus, and you'll beat the negative premonitions of men.
The Lord will help you (us).
Glory to God.
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