The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of creativity. Whatever is conceived in the Womb of the Spirit can be birthed through a vessel. The Holy Spirit is our all in all.

We're not saved to speak in tongues alone, but even with tongues we can covert spiritual resources for physical use and God is glorified and His Kingdom. Even, tongues has is uses in different degrees of growth.

It God who give power to make wealth. He give Bazaleel the skill to design the ark of God. Some we're given the skill to beautify the house of God. God is a mathematician. He's an author of book before we have many authors. He's a painter who make the world colorful. He's an artist who carved out the world in beautiful things. He's everything!

You owe Him your talent, skills and gifts.

Through the Holy Spirit our resources in Christ is quickened and harnessed for profitable use.

God has loaded you with gifts and skills to be creative like Him. This shows that we are God's Image. 

No man is born empty, as Dr Myles Munroe said.

1. Be born again. Accept Jesus into your life. And light will shine on you. In Christ your gift and calling are activated for God's Use.

2. Fellowship with the Spirit. As you do, your gift is revealed and your skill is empowered.

3. Be creative. Being creative is a function of the Spirit of God as we depend on Him.

God bless you.


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