The Template Of Their Relationship



One relationship lesson from Mary.

When angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her she'll be carrying the pregnancy of Jesus, she did something that is very provoking.

She didn't say,

"You know what Angel Gabriel, let me speak with my man, and see if he'll allow me to carry this pregnancy or not. I'll be right back..."

No, she accepted the word of God.


Because, Joseph is also a child of God and they both love the Lord. She knew Joseph won't be mad at her because they both know God. Joseph may not be a pastor but he sure know God. They both knew their stand when it comes to the things of God.

He didn't poison her to abort the pregnancy but joyfully accepted the plan of God.

We could see the template their relationship was built on - God.


Relationship where you're afraid of serving God or doing His will is not the will of God. If your partner is always mad at you because you do the things of God then you're in a wrong ship.

"Dear, while praying this morning, the Lord said I should sow the remaining cash in my account into that man of God...."

"It's alright babe, God is faithful. He'll bless us in return."

Do you both love God?

When they say choose a man/woman that has the fear of God, it is being truthful and honest.

He doesn't have to be a pastor, but he sure, must be a child of God.

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