Stepping into God's Riches


Stepping into God's Riches


If you asked the Lord for something, and He blesses you with it. The next thing He looks for is where your heart will be.

In what He provided or in Him as the provider?

If your heart is still fixed on Jesus irrespective of how "big" and "great" you are. He'll keep blessing you more.

You'll now discover that the problem is not in the provision but the position of our heart.

Matthew  6:21  For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

God wants to be acknowledged, and that's why He's a Jealous God. He doesn't like to compete for space, He'll rather leave.

So, if God keep blessing you. Thank Him for it, but don't put your "hope" in them. Keep your gazed fixed on Him still.

In the end, He will not change. Even the cloud, they can be changed like a garment.

God wants to bless you, but can your heart receive it?

Won't you shift focus?

Lord, help my heart in Jesus Name!

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