Spiritual Health


Spiritual Health

The activities of the spiritual life has references to the physical life. For example, if you don't eat, your body will lack the strength to prosecute what it needs to do. If you're not feeding your spiritual life with God's word and prayer, you'll be lean and weak.

Just as we go for gym, early morning exercise and all, our spiritual life also need retreat, refreshing and reviving.

One of the signs that you're healthy spiritually is that, you know what God is doing in your life and you pay attention to your spiritual thermometer. 

1. You should know when you're getting cold and very hot.

2. You should know when sin becomes appealing. Then, there's trouble.

3. You should know when bitterness and envy is locked in your heart.

4. You should know when you're led to do certain things and not.

5. You should know when your spiritual energy is depleting.

6. You should know when you're not hearing God's voice like before.

7. You should know the changes in your spiritual experiences and many more.

Don't form superman, submit to Jesus for help. Let him revive you, for the journey is far.

Don't use ministry work to cover up, your salvation first before your ministry.




I've stories of how God helped me when I'm down and very weak. There are times I'm under spiritual attacks, and God came for me.

You should have real brethren around you who can bear you up in prayer and encouragement. Your tiktok and Instagram followers will not know what you're going through.

As a believer, our spiritual life is the bedrock of everything. If your spiritual life is not healthy, the effects will show on the physical.

Dear, settle with God.

Come back to your first love.


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