When a farmer plant a seed, he follows it up to know the ones that have to germinate so he can concentrate on the one that isn't. A plant is said to be fruitful because it has ingredients of life. The work of photosynthesis is to aid the seed to germinate. The seeds that died in the soil, lack the ingredients of life, so they cannot bud forth.

1 Kings  3:25 And the king said, Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one, and half to the other.

The dead child cannot be cut into two because it has no RELEVANCE anymore.

When a man is dead and buried, the rest of the people focus on those who are alive. Synonymous to living is FULFILLING PURPOSE. God made you for a purpose, if you're not living in it, people won't take you seriously. The magnetic field that attracts your audience and blessings is your purpose.

  1. Are you living? 

  2. How much value does your life contribute? It is the honeycomb that attracts the bees.

  3. Have you met Jesus yet to know the blueprint of your destiny?

  4. A plant is set to germinate when LIFE is breathed upon it.

Jesus is the breath you need to come alive to destiny. You're not created for fun, you're created to LIVE. The dead child has no value anymore. A man that is not walking in fulfilling his purpose is considered dead. People can't take him seriously. People will come to you when you have something to offer.

Beloved, it is time to LIVE. It is time to go all out for Jesus. It is time you discover your purpose and lives it in full. Your existence will not be a waste. Be a channel that God uses to bless people.

Even if the hope seems dead, the bones can still rise again by seeking the Lord.

You can only and truly fulfill your purpose when you have to surrender your life to Jesus. No other way!

Call on the Lord today, to reveal your identity to you!


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