Dear Sister in Relationship


(I'm led to write this)

From a recent survey and information, I came to understand that it is sisters that are driving the HEADSHIP of the relationship. And most times, it doesn't end well.

(Follow me)

You're the one telling him to pray, study and operate as a man. You're the one teaching him the scriptures and other spiritual things. 

As "Nice" as those actions were, it is improper. That is why before you say yes, you must be sure that he's a man. He knows his responsibility and what it takes to lead as the head. If you're one driving him now, you'll need more rope in marriage. 

Truth is, it is not easy to force a man to make him bend. That seal of headship given by God is in a man. You can't assume the role of headship, it is not your jurisdiction, it is of the man, and that is why you must know that he understands his role. 

It becomes better when he's the one driving the boat because he'll do it with all his strength. If you're doing the leading HE WON'T SUBMIT. That HEADSHIP grace will want to find its way. That's why you must be sure of whom you're submitting yourself. (If you don't believe in the headship of the man, don't get married.)

Make sure he's a man that loves the Lord and He's ready to drive you to destiny. Let him operate as a man that God has placed him. God placed so much responsibility on the head.

(I'm not saying you can't talk to him or give him advice and counsel, but assuming the role of headship is a no for you. At times, he might be weak, help him up. Let the man fulfill his role. You also have your own role.)

Don't let ice cream and pizza cloud your reasoning. Make sure he understands what headship is all about. Not the one that commits all the responsibility to the wife and does nothing. That's a disaster.

2023 is a strategic year.

Look well.

May the Lord give you understanding, Amen.

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