Lessons From Two Families


The First Family

As their custom is, every first Sunday of the month, they ensure that their little boy has a special offering and also a special gift for their pastor.

"This one is to be dropped inside the offering basket, and the other one, you're to give it to pastor, okay? Don't worry I'll be giving you every first Sunday of the month"

He started this "giving" when he was 5 years of age. He grew up with that 'lifestyle' and "giving" became an habit for him.

One day, he decided to visit his pastor and play with his children. Right at the door, he overhead them praying for what to eat that day and trusting God for provisions. He was moved with compassion, and knocked on the door. Meanwhile, a day before, one of his uncle came around for vacation, and gave him for a sum of N20,000 as pocket money.

He gave them everything.

(His dad understood, he wasn't scolded)

That day, He knew that ministers do face a lot. He grew up with a heart of love and encourage his own kids to learn how to give to their pastor.


There's another family.

"Don't mind those pastors, they are beggars. They kept on collecting tithe and building mansion for themselves. See, we're only giving this as offering. We need money also isn't it? So, don't let church make us 'poor'. Understood?"

"Hey, you, from that 100, give 50 as offering and collect change. That's part of the money for your school tomorrow."

The boy grew up with that mindset. He fights every discussion that encourages people to give to their pastor. From age 10, he stopped giving offering, but rather convert it to buy sweets.

He's always on social media to drag any pastor because he learnt that they are just using church money for themselves.


The reason why the Holy Spirit inspired this is, let's teach our children how to give to God's servants.

They know how to give alms, let's also encourage them to give to God's servants as well. 

Samuel reaped the reward of waiting on Eli.

May the Lord help us. Amen.

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