You may be dutiful in church but you don't know the Lord of the Church. You might even be elected in a position or even a deacon of a church yet you're not one of His.
God is more concerned about your salvation than just your service to Him. Service rendered without Christ at heart is not recognised in heaven. You may even be giving huge money to Church and yet not saved. Jesus in your heart first!
This habit of let's just bring people together to work for God without Holy scrutiny is not helping. We cannot access the Father without the Son. We cannot truly worship without His Spirit in us. Thus, salvation is key.
We have so many people in the work force, pastors and ordained ministers who wasn't ordained by God. The process is salvation first. Many ministers don't understand the simple concept of salvation, yet they dress in nice suits.
Eternity is fixed. It is not something you calculate when you get there, you determine it here on earth.
Your father maybe a bishop or your parents founder of a church. Salvation is personal. Jesus wants to live in your heart, He has been knocking. Eternity outside God is hell. Your wealth, education, achievements doesn't count in the realm of eternity.
Accept Jesus Today.