When a man is saved. Irrespective of his age, he's a babe in Christ, and as he grows up, he begins to come into knowledge of the environment he's in (Christ), learn the culture and the way of the Kingdom. Our God is a God of process and order. Jesus came as a child and grew till He became a man. He could have just come as a full grown man, but no, God loves process.
When God is dealing with a man, He does it in proportion to his faith. As we walk with God, He deals with us at different levels. If a baby pour milk food away, You may not beat him because he's a baby, but if a teen of 18 years old, pour family soup away, he'll definitely be beaten. That's why, we don't compare ourselves with Fathers (in) of Faith. Just as we have rankings in the physical military service, we have also in Spiritual order. Even witches, have ranks.
When God wants to start dealing with a man, he starts from that man. He speak to you about yourself, warn you, teach you and teach you. As you mature, he tell you about your family and siblings. If you're faithful, he tells you about, your neighbours, extended family, to your community, town, territory, state, Nation, continent, and the world at large. Within those transitions, one could take 10 years. Because, you must be trained and faithful. In this Kingdom, we grow by being faithful
Even in the prophetic ministry, there are levels of depth and hearings. Every man of God are not the same. There are different depths. When it comes to national matters, there are people that God reveals to without hiding anything. To a another person, He might show a bit. When you know God has not deal with you to the level of telling what will happen to a country, don't talk about it. Hide your head and let those who are gate keepers, do the job. It means you're wise. So many people have been talking about politicians.
If God has not told you who will win the election, just keep quiet. You can speak by your prediction but don't add "God Say". Know the level of your faith and walk in it, keep growing. Papa Adeboye, Papa Kumuyi, Dr. D.K Olukoya and many others, are GATE KEEPERS. They know what will happen to Nigeria in 10 years to come. Some new babes are the ones shouting up and down. Spiritual gifts without wisdom, discipline and culture, will wound a man.
Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.
If you're faithful over your family, God will make you a man over nations sooner. God could wait till 50 years to make you strong and able to command a Nation. Many people want to rush spiritual things, even if you pray much, some spiritual experiences are hidden in consistency. But as you follow the Lord, He takes you higher. That you're Anointed isn't all there is, you must be a man of stature. Our Fathers are men of stature, they are known in the Spirit Realm.
Luke 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
Young people who talk against elders will lose inheritance that belongs to them.
Allow the Capable men do the job, grow while you learnt from them. It is still the same God working in us. When it is time, you'll do what they do, even more than them.