Trading your Talent
Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When I mean "crowd', I don't mean your "circle". . Distinctiveness is not the achieved by being a copycat. The sheep will only " hear " the voice of who shepherd them. If you have found your call, the response you'll hear will be the she…
Next »Psalm 23:4 KJV Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. In ancient times, rods and staves were essential tools for shepherds. The rod represented the shepherd's authority, while the staff symbolized their guidance and support. (Ai Dictionary) David said, "…
Next »M.I.R.R.O.R **** To a very large extent, there won't be much productivity and relativity without a model or samples to follow. Most products are improvements on others products. They had an imitation to follow and they get their result. God is so much concerned about what we look at because it will become the template of what we will look like. Every concept …
Next »PATIENCE *** Amongst the fruits of the Spirit; gentleness, meekness, and long-suffering are pointers to how the ways of God are formulated. If you're the hurry type, 'get-it-quick-ASAP kind, you'll not travel far with God. With God, you'll be patient - with endurance. God is not in a hurry, He knows what He's doing. Patience is not a weakness,…
Next »Faith not Fate! *** James 4:15 KJV For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. A child of God is called to walk by FAITH , not fate. A child of God doesn't live his or her life to the mercies of " chances ". (Even "chances" are premeditated calculations, not abstract). A child of God doesn't take …
Next »GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT ___________ As we journey with God day by day, He make known His ways to us and teach us His precepts. ____________ Years ago, at some point, I didn't like the idea of marriage. I became hostile to the teaching or the subject. It was one of the most important and sweet topic in Sunday school, but at that period I just grew Hatred for…
Next »Dear believers, Let's talk. To be candid, being a sheep comes with different attitudes but having wisdom is very important because it is principal. A sheep may feel loved by anyone who comes around but they surely knows their shepherd, no matter how long the "new person" stays. These are things I've observed for a while, and inwardly many shepher…
Next »Because we're human being, the feeling of being neglected, hurt or ridiculed cannot be eradicated. At one point in one's life, we probably might have been hurt or have this feeling of being neglected. Sometimes, these experiences births another character like bitterness because of what the "other person" did. We've seen people wrote things l…
Next »Thou Art Loosed *** “And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, ‘Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.’” (Luke 13:12, KJV) When you buy a goat, you put a rope round its neck and tie it to a spot to secure it. The freedom of the goat doesn’t exceed the limit of the rope. Peradventure you leave the goat at that spot for two weeks, the go…
Next »The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil "And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the …
Next »The Life of Job ________________ The Life of Job is a practical reality of what a man can go through in life, even as a child of God. I can't imagine how many days or months God went silent, until He finally shows up to speak to Job. Yet, He's still God. The Life of Job shows that even in trials, the heart and intentions of men around you will be revealed…
Next »THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF HIS LOVE 1 John 4vs9-10 "to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV" It is the love of God that made Him to go on the journey of reconciliation. Our God is a God that looks for His peopl…
Next »DEPRESSION Depression doesn't have respect for social status, that's why it must be guided against. A toxic word from a boss can make an employee depressed and lose morale for the job and reduce his commitment to the company. A foul word from a spouse can make either of them sad and weeping on the inside. A student may fail an important course and becaus…
Next »Heart Transformation Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. The transformation of the mind takes time and takes high level of work. Because the Holy Ghost needs to format your mind of old nature, thought, lifestyle, belief sys…
Next »Stepping into God's Riches *** If you asked the Lord for something, and He blesses you with it. The next thing He looks for is where your heart will be. In what He provided or in Him as the provider? If your heart is still fixed on Jesus irrespective of how "big" and "great" you are. He'll keep blessing you more. You'll now discover …
Next »THE NIGHTTIME I remember a man some years ago. Very active, agile and up to task. His eyes were still clear enough and his body still cooperates with his soul. His thinking ability were sharp and quick to respond to stimuli. Many years down the line, he's getting old. From his gesture, you could see someone who may retire soon. The body is not ready to cooperat…
Next »The Promptings. Two days ago, I finished working on my laptop in the morning. I had a strong urge to pray against losses. The prayer was intense, so I quickly discharged until I gained peace. A few hours after that, I was to alight from a Keke napep. I forgot to hold my phone very well and the roadside was filled with water. As I stepped out, my phone was almost into…
Next »Spiritual Health The activities of the spiritual life has references to the physical life. For example, if you don't eat, your body will lack the strength to prosecute what it needs to do. If you're not feeding your spiritual life with God's word and prayer, you'll be lean and weak. Just as we go for gym, early morning exercise and all, our spiritua…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
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