Understanding God's Calling

(1sam 3vs8)

Isa.45.9 - Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?

What is CALLING?

You heard about calling many times, even been thought in Sunday school.

Calling is an honorable call from God to a man.

No man can call himself. If a man call himself, he hasn't met God.
And there are indices to reveal that God is calling a man. Don't shy away from God's calling, it is an honorable call.

The calling of God is not based on what you can do, but what He wants to do through you. God's Calling are section into specializations.

Our Calling can be different, as the Almighty God wants it.

People thought, it is only men can received Calling. Women also do.

Your Calling is a proof that God is interested in your generation, and that He wants to work through you.
Calling is Gods way of Establishing His Domain,

1. In a Man's Heart 
2. Territory
3. Family
4. World


Anointing is meant to strengthened the cords of the Calling. Calling is like a software, you'll need, anointing is like electricity to run the software. God called, Samuel because He wants to do something new in Israel.

If God wants to do something in your life and generation, He calls you.


1. Call to salvation
2. Call to sanctification
3. Call to holiness
4. Call to Assignments
5. Call to intercession
6. Call to Giving
7. Call to obedience

Some of you are battling with God's Calling on your life, and it won't stop it from Coming.

The road of the Calling will be challenging, but in the end rewarding. Jesus accepted His Destiny to die on the cross.

The Lord Jesus is our example.

1. Not many people will believe you.
2. People will discouraged you.
3. People will talk you out of passion
4. People will hate you.

But, Jesus didn't give up, So, will you.



 Discovery is when you KNOW and find out that there's a call on your life.

Just like Samuel, you're so eager.
Preparing is were a lot of work is.

1. You'll need to stay with Jesus to be taught and build.
2. Have a spiritual covering
3. God's dealing will be introduced. Sometimes you may not know what is happening to you.
4. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
5. Learning from other believers

MANIFESTING Is when God is SURE that you are APPROVED to go out for Him, just as The Lord Jesus send the disciples out after teaching them.


1. Know your Calling. Paul did, Timothy did.
2. Know where you're sent to. (Location)
3. Know your audience.
4. Know your timing
5. Know your manual (The word of God)

There are 3 category of people that will confirm your Calling.

1. Yourself.

You must know, nobody will know for you. If you don't know it, then you don't have it.

2. People

1 Samuel  3:20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD.

They knew Samuel was called.
They knew Jesus was called from age 12. People will also confirmed for you.

3. Spiritual Covering (Father)

If you don't have, you'll need one. It is very important in the Christian walk.

Eli confirmed that Samuel was called. The prophet and prophetess also confirmed that Jesus was called.

Your Spiritual Father also must confirmed for you, and also guide you into it.


God has predestined us for a purpose before we are born, which is to be fulfilled in Christ. In Christ, the Calling is activated for God's use. God's Calling are predestined before we were born..

But, He reserved those Calling for His use in Christ. The bible say, while we are yet sinner, Christ died for us.

A drunkard has a unique destiny in God, but because he's not saved, he cannot enter into it. Salvation is the first Door to fulfilling destiny.

If you noticed from small, you'll remembered some strange moments you had.

And the reason why God kept you till today despite the witches, is because He wants you.

Unless, you don't wanna be sincere. You know You have a CALLING.

Father is someone close like a biological Father, who'll take care of you.


1. Prophecies
2. Visions
3. Strange encounters
4. Angelic visit.
5. Revealed word
6. Dream
7. Revelation
8. God's voice
 If you don't have some indices like this.

It will be difficult to accept from someone who tell you that God is calling you. You must know yourself.


1. Be Born again.

Whatever revelation you see about calling is a drawer to the person of Christ. You cannot manifest outside Him.

A lot of worldly musicians today are singing, not because God made them to sing, but because they don't know Jesus.


2. Love righteousness hate sin.

3. Have a Spiritual Father, who can guide and tutor you.

As you journey, not all things will you understand. A Spiritual father is someone to guide you.

4. Prayer life and word life.

You don't joke with these two. Very key. They are ingredients for your preparation.

5. Read Wide.

Don't just stay on Laspotech textbooks, read on politics, economy, you don't know where God will lead you.

Read Christian books. Don't know your pastor alone.

Do you know Myles Munroe?
Benny Hinn?
Smith wigglesworth?

 Don't be LOCAL, your Calling is GLOBAL.

 7. Learn obedient to God ad His word.

8. Fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

This is the sum of the matter. The Holy Spirit is ALL you NEED.

Two things to note;

1. Be teachable
2. Love
3. A good character

This ingredients will preserved you and make you worthy of The Calling.

Also, God hates laziness. You've got to be diligent.

One of the ways to know your Calling is to serve.

Serve in your local church, serve in the fellowship. Some of you're in choir today, but that's not the destination.

Samson lost it, Eli lost it.

May we not lost the Calling in Jesus Name.

Righteousness is key and obedience.

Lastly, Yield to the Lord.

I don't know whom this words came for but God loves you.

God bless us all in Jesus Name.


1. Reveal my Calling

2. Help me to walk in righteousness

3. Preserve my heart from corruption.

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