A True Sheep


Dear believers, 

Let's talk.

To be candid, being a sheep comes with different attitudes but having wisdom is very important because it is principal.

A sheep may feel loved by anyone who comes around but they surely knows their shepherd, no matter how long the "new person" stays.

These are things I've observed for a while, and inwardly many shepherds are hurt because they felts their labour isn't worth it.

Let's come plain.

Many years ago, you got saved and nurtured in the faith by this "not-so-rich-and-exposed" man of God, who was just doing his token for God's glory. You love him and you're committed to your local church.

In recent years, because of the waves of new "voices" you deserted your local church and felt you've grown all the way. The new "yet-doesn't know-you" man of God seems to have won your love and there you are, committed to course till Kingdom come. 

I believe the body of Christ is rich enough to mature a believer (considering the 5 Fold offices), and God can lead you to different people to get you strengthened and matured but not at the expense of seeing your local pastor as a failure. God will never do that!

Your pastor may not know it all, he may not even be exposed the way other men of God is, but yet, He deserves some flowers. Appreciate his labour.

This attitude of finding "new lovers" and deserting your "old love" is not appropriate. Because in secret, they are still praying and watching over your soul.

So, here's wisdom, 

You have different men of God you like, it's not a crime, but still show love to your pastor. Balance the equation and bridge the gap.

Be a wise sheep that knows its shepherd's voice.

They are still humans. 

You may have been hurt or bittered about them, I hope you know Forgiveness is still a requirement to making heaven? Let it go.

In 2024, be a wise sheep.

I've interacted and lived with men of God for long and I can tell you things you'll not know in public. They go through a lot.

(Sometimes, don't blame pastor's kid that doesn't want to be a pastor, the process is tough.)

Back to the beginning, 

Let us be wise, and wise indeed. 

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