Faith, not Fate


Faith not Fate!


‭James 4:15 KJV‬

For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 

A child of God is called to walk by FAITH, not fate. 

A child of God doesn't live his or her life to the mercies of "chances".

(Even "chances" are premeditated calculations, not abstract).

A child of God doesn't take "what will be will be" statement as template for living. 

A child of God doesn't subject divine happening to mere luck.

That will be unwise.


When you have tasted of the Love of God in Christ, the riches of His grace, the resources of His mercies made available to us by His Spirit, you'll know things are beyond "fate and luck", there are divine happenings by divine protocols.

An unbeliever might think everything is fate, but when he or she comes into LIGHT, the veil will be removed. 

Don't live as those who have no "hope". Don't live as those who don't know the God they serve.

God speaks. He reveals. He guides. He won't keeps you in the dark. He'll instruct you.

You'll know the source through which those happenings came from, as such that warfare can be well managed. 

Wake up, you're a child of The Living God!

What happened to your reasoning?

What happened to your mindset?

It is not luck. 

Jesus Did.

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