Transforming Power of His Love



1 John 4vs9-10

"to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19 KJV"

It is the love of God that made Him to go on the journey of reconciliation. Our God is a God that looks for His people, not an idol that cannot speak.

Love is at the Center of His doings.

Whether judgement, discipline, provision or protection

Love has the power to transform. 

This "love" is not only for relationship, but seeing Love in the context of God Himself.

Many of the people sleeping under the bridge, will have been better if they have someone who LOVE them to feed them, Take care of them and nurture them.

You'll see boys of 12 years doing conductor and sleeping under the bridge. If that child is nurtured in love, you'll not be able to recognise him within a year.

It takes the power of LOVE to "love".

If someone loves you, it is not ordinary, there's a force behind it. Giving isn't ordinary. Many people have money but many are stingy. It takes "love" to give.

Jesus said,

"and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. Mark 12:30 KJV"

Many of us will think we know how to Love until we are being challenged by LOVE him - Jesus.

Love is at the center of God's doing. Even God, want us to love Him in return after He had loved us. It takes love to minister comfort to others who are heart broken.

You may be passing through the same thing but love will still want you to reach out.

You pray for the sick

The pregnant 

The wounded

God's servants on the field 

If you're doing that, love is simply at work, unless you're being paid to do it. It takes love to intercede for people. Even people who offended you. It could be a spouse, a friend or a company you worked. 

A natural man is naturally selfish to remember to do anything for others, he's only concerned about Himself.

We all need Love.

Every human being wants to be loved no matter how little. We want to love and to be loved. But love isn't just an abstract statement, it has characteristics of expression.

Love can remould a vagabond. 

Love can healed the broken-hearted 

Love brings comfort to the heart and in a family 

A wayward child can be the best child of the home through the transforming power of love. It was love that made us SAINTS. It tooled us out of the pit and placed us beside His Majesty. Even among the Trinity, love is the core. The Son waits for Father to act before doing anything. The Spirit wait for the Son to Speak before doing anything. The Father needs the cooperation of the counsel before proceeding with His plan.

Love respects one another.



And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing. Acts 8:39 KJV

The man found Jesus, and Joy filled His heart. Have you found Jesus?

Do you still experience the joy you had with Him in the beginning of your surrender?

The first area any man will want to be loved is to be reconciled back to God. Where true virtues flows from. No amount of human love can full the large space only God can fill. If men also need to be loved, do you think they have the capacity to love you the way you desired to be loved?

No. Only God can fill that space.

Love is transforming.

From slave to son

From sinful to righteous

From pit to Palace

Even if you came from a broken home.  You hated your parents and everyone because of how you grew up. The only antidote is to be transformed by Jesus's love. He can restore your wasted years of not being loved. There's little our spouse, parents or friends can do.

Our true transformation comes from God. Come today, His love is transforming, even now.


(Miracles, healing and all)

Mat 9vs36

Every Acts of God is a response of His love.

That favour

That goodness 

That grace

That healing 

That breakthrough 

That deliverance

That protection 

That angelic guidance 

And all, are response of His Love.

Have you tell Him thank you for them? Let us not be too familiar with God's goodness that we neglect to thank Him.

Remember, He wants us to love Him in return. Thanksgiving is one of the way to "Love" Him.


"and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 KJV"

Hurts has different degrees, but there's none that is deeper than the way we made God feel when we turn our backs on Him.

Yet, He still forgives. Love can transform when we allow Forgiveness. It may be hard, yes, but let it go. Your transformation is important.

We cannot talk about love and not mention Forgiveness. Love is the backend of Forgiveness.


Psalms 91

With the way things happen around us on daily basis, it can only be by God's love that we are kept.

Love ensures that you are preserved. Have you seen a man that loves his wife and will want her to sleep outside in the dark? No. Love always ensures her safety.


No one does it better than God. Those wasted years can be revered within seconds. Through His transforming Love, He ensures your hope is restored. Love heals.


The prodigal son knew that his father is a man of love, he knew he will always have a chance.

Stop running from God, He's actually running after you.

He makes all things beautiful again by His love. In the midst of the storm always remind yourself, Jesus Loves Me. Even when he was sleeping in the boat, He still love his disciples- he knew they won't be sink by the storm.

People have different stories of being maltreatment while growing up, Hatred from parents or step parents, Abuses, Rape, Lost of deal in a business, And many others, His Love can transform you to be a better person. 

Love doesn't leave you the way you are.

Joyce Meyer had a challenging life while growing up.

Today she's using that pain has a message now because she has been TRANSFORMED by His love. Love truly heals. Don't say it is not possible, nothing is impossible with God.

Whatever you're going through right now, you can be better by the transforming power of His Love. Love brings out the "human" in us. Love make us perfect. For the two commandments is listed on two pillars - Love towards God and man.

Love is the reason why Jesus came.

Why He endured the cross 

Why He took those nails

Why He took those lashes

If you're looking for any cogent reasons, think about His love. Love prays for others. Love Preach to others. Love Help others

If you're yet to encounter the transforming power of His love, please surrender all to Jesus today.

I pray that the Lord will comfort us, grant us grace to love Him and love others and give us the grace to forgive and heal every broken heart, in Jesus' Name.

Thank you for reading!

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