Living Above Hurts


Because we're human being, the feeling of being neglected, hurt or ridiculed cannot be eradicated. 

At one point in one's life, we probably might have been hurt or have this feeling of being neglected. 

Sometimes, these experiences births another character like bitterness because of what the "other person" did.

We've seen people wrote things like,

"They didn't help me. I rose all by myself. I'll also not help anybody"

"My parent neglected me for many years, and now you said I should help them?"

Truth is, no one deserves to be neglected or ridiculed but since we cannot stop some of these experiences from coming, we can adjust our response to it.

Let the challenges and the situation make you better not bitter. Take those experiences as a lesson to be better and do more.

If someone refuses to help, they may have good reasons, if God blesses you, don't withhold your help.

Don't put your expectations on men.

Resolve that no matter what happened, you'll not let those bitter experiences to make you bad but you'll turn it around for good.

Humanily, it is difficult but not with God. God expected us to emulate His character. With God you can let go of the hurt and embrace the newness of life we have in Jesus.

You can live over it.

They slapped Jesus and beat him many times, yet He choose to still die for our sins, and today He's the Captain of our salvation.

Revenge isn't part of spiritual fruits. 

Jesus said, 

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Matthew‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭KJV‬‬"

We receive grace in Jesus Name. 


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