Grieving The Holy Spirit



As we journey with God day by day, He make known His ways to us and teach us His precepts.


Years ago, at some point, I didn't like the idea of marriage. I became hostile to the teaching or the subject. 

It was one of the most important and sweet topic in Sunday school, but at that period I just grew Hatred for the topic. I prefer gifts and fruits of the Spirit. That was how my heart was wondering off the book.

Why? Maybe due to the happenings around me and some other undisclosed issues, I wanted to give up on everything. 

Little did I know that I was beginning to grieve the Spirit of God in me. I thought I was just exercising my own will to egde out what I don't like.

At some point, my heart was beginning to look like I'm having a heart attack due to hoarding hatred for something. 

After a while, the Lord confronted my heart and help me to see the joy beyond whatever that has made me hostile to that topic. My heart was beginning to make adjustments and seek God's Forgiveness. 

Then I understand that, anytime we neglect or put away God's truth that the Holy Spirit is giving to us, we're directly and indirectly grieving Him. He's doing His work by teaching and bringing us into truths, but if we decided not to hearken, it means grieving Him.

When we join the world to make "joke" of our Spiritual heritage and inheritance, we're grieving Him.

The Holy Spirit just reminded me today of this incident and I thought to share it with someone who may have concluded on giving up on God or His word.

The work of growth contains pruning and shedding off the works of the old man. And that is what the Spirit of God and His word does in us.

I was beginning to embrace God's idea and thought concerning marriage, and He was beginning to guide me by his word. His word swallowed my fears and what looks like a confusing matter.

Truly, God is at work in His children!

I don't know in what way you have grieved the Lord. Maybe via a simple instruction or so, He wants you to come back to Him.

In His word is safety and strength for all we need in life.

Stop killing that truth that the Holy Spirit is bringing to your heart. Stop trying to behave as if you don't know it is God's voice speaking to you. Stop seeing God's correction always as a form to be bitter. Stop saying you won't go to church again because an issue. 

He's always ready to heal our wounds and bind our hurts.

Will you come?

Come, He's waiting for you!

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