Learning God's Way - Part 1




Amongst the fruits of the Spirit; gentleness, meekness, and long-suffering are pointers to how the ways of God are formulated. 

If you're the hurry type, 'get-it-quick-ASAP kind, you'll not travel far with God. With God, you'll be patient - with endurance. 

God is not in a hurry, He knows what He's doing.

Patience is not a weakness, it is a strength. 

In case you think God is "sharp-sharp" all the time, you're yet to learn His ways. 

He'll take you through the 'wilderness' to learn patience.

Wear upon yourself meekness with the cloak of endurance.

The isrealites took the longest journey to canaan land because God wanted to teach them His ways.

If it is not coming according to your timetable doesn't mean God forgot. He's always working with His calendar. 

He won't forget you!

‭2 Peter 3:9a KJV‬

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness;...."

Look up, help is here!


Prayer: Ask the Lord to equip you with grace to be patient and endure as you go through the process orchestrated by God in Jesus' Name.

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