Trading your Talent
Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
Next »Psalm 91 This scripture is a favorite chapter in Psalm, almost every Christan can quote it without missing a word. In some places, they prefer to read it than pray as the Spirit leads. You can read it for quiz and win prizes. Its such an awesome chapter that contains God's promises that everyone would love to walk in daily. Even unbelievers can quote it to cancel…
Next »Sometimes last year, I was walking through a corridor, where a dog was barking with full strength and vigor, meanwhile, it was caged. It was hopeless and helpless even to defend the house against theft because it was caged. The dog has great strength to pursue theft, powerful enough to tear down anything contrary, but it was caged. All its potentials and power were …
Next »1. Intimacy with the Lord, daily communion makes you one, through this intimate relationship you become more like Him, and walk in the realm He sitted. 2. Consecration. The level of your consecration will determine the extent to which you can be used, and the amount of authority you'd acquire. You'll see why some believers are different because of the level o…
Next »Just as we've established in the previous parts that, having authority goes beyond just wishing, but firstly having the knowledge that it is part of our blessing in Christ. Secondly, we have to press in to grow in it. There are things that are free, while some require your "hunger & thirst" to show your determination. Although, before the eyes of t…
Next »Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Before the Lord Jesus ascended, He said "I have given you power over.....". Which means, I have given you the enablement to enforce an authority. The power is given, but it takes authority to drive it. An average believer will quote th…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
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