Trading your Talent
Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
Next »Does it makes sense? Last year, I had a dream that my phone was smashed with an hammer, when I woke up with that burden, I pray in tongues then makes some declaration. That same night, my phone fell off twice or so, and nothing happened to it (because God has gone ahead). You could image the height of the falling. If God is so concerned about the very little detai…
Next »HANDLING REJECTION Many a times when you keep coming to close certain people (pure intentions), they see you as disturbing and unreasonable. If they don't want you, you'll receive enough signals for you to stay away. But trust me, One day they'll need your help seriously. Keep growing without grudges. If they don't want you today, they'll desire y…
Next »WHAT DO YOU WANNA SAY? There's someone who understands me. Who understands you. Who understands everyone on earth. His Name is JESUS The Son Of The Living God . There are challenges and situations that happen that you can't share with your best friend. Not even your pastor at times. Not even your parents. It is just you! But when you come into the Light of H…
Next »THE BEST STAFF OF THE YEAR "Bola, prepare the award and certificate for the BEST STAFF OF THE YEAR. Don't include a name yet, I'll do that." Bola joined the company 10 years ago, and she has been committed to the growth of the company ever since. Everyone respected her because of her dedication, wisdom and swiftness towards work. The board of di…
Next »A LITTLE PRESSURE **** There's almost nothing we do that doesn't require pressure either in little energy or much Strength. Walking entails force. Lifting food to your mouth requires force. Using a key to open a door requires force. Using your feet on a pedal requires force. Using the keyboard on a computer system requires force. Either little or much. Matthe…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
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