"Bola, prepare the award and certificate for the BEST STAFF OF THE YEAR. Don't include a name yet, I'll do that." 

Bola joined the company 10 years ago, and she has been committed to the growth of the company ever since. Everyone respected her because of her dedication, wisdom and swiftness towards work. 

The board of directors decided to give her a surprise for her unalloyed support and commitment.

1. A Double Promotion.

2. A Comfortable Accommodation.

3. A Wardrobe allowance.

All these were unknown to her.

In the middle of the night while she was preparing the document....

Discouragement spoke to her. "Why are you doing this? They've never awarded you since you joined. This company is crap, you should leave! What kind of company will not appreciate their staff like you. With all the hard work and stress. You should quit!"

She closed the laptop and slept for an hour. By the time she woke up, her spirit was troubled. So, she prayed and her Spirit was lifted.

"Well, I'll do it still. It doesn't cost much. An award isn't all there is to my job. Someday, I'd be given one. She Chuckles.."

The job was done and was forwarded to the boss.


As soon as she stepped into the office the following day, she was surprised as she was welcomed with balloons and cakes.

Truly, Bola deserves an accolade, the joy of every employee.

If she had given up, she would have missed the opportunity.


Sometimes, you don't know what's coming. And many times, God walks in shadows to bring you into reality. If we don't give up, we'll have fullness of what we pray for. Jesus knows what we're going through. He Knows what's happening in our Nation. He's God who is never late, but right on time!

The Harvest is always greater than the seed.

Galatians 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 

2 Thessalonians 3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

God is bringing joy to your face.

Don't give up!

May is full of Blessings. May we be sensitive to receive it in Jesus Name.

If you're not born again,

Jesus is waiting for you!

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Oluwayemisi Juliana said…
Amen. Thank you so much sir.
This blessed me so much.
God bless you for all you do sir