Handling Rejection (Part One)


Many a times when you keep coming to close certain people (pure intentions), they see you as disturbing and unreasonable. If they don't want you, you'll receive enough signals for you to stay away. But trust me, One day they'll need your help seriously. Keep growing without grudges. If they don't want you today, they'll desire you tomorrow. Some "push away" sometimes push us into better persons.

Some will tell you you're disturbing me. If they don't want you in their inbox, leave them. If they don't want you in their comments box, leave them. YOU DON'T NEED TO FORCE PEOPLE TO LIKE YOU. Stay with God, live righteously and be diligent to purpose. One day, your star will shines Brighter. Handle rejection with love (though painful), let it push you out into purpose. Sometimes, God allow some push to help us live for Him. Stay with God until He makes you better like Jabez. Indeed, God is the lifter of men.

Even in business, Ministry, academy, career and church, you'll face a lot of rejection. People will criticize you. So make up your mind as early as possible that, WHATEVER HAPPENS I'LL CHOOSE TO LOVE AND STAY WITH GOD. Love is stronger. Even when you show love to those who hate you and criticize you, God has a way of humbling them and using you to teach them a lesson. Being in Christ doesn't mean we won't face rejection. In fact, we're the number one on the list. But, be of good cheers. Jesus prevailed.

Lastly, learn to pour your heart to God. He's the Only One that understands you and me. If you keep fighting over every rejection, you'll grow in bitterness and it will choke you. Learn to pour your heart to Jesus. Not just "praying", but a communication (dialogue) between Father and son (daughter). He wants to help us. He wants to carry our burdens. He's knows what you're going through lately. Why not turn to Jesus today and ask Him to help you. Say; LORD JESUS HELP ME.

Luke 18:32 For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on:

Our Lord Jesus was mocked, but now HE'S THE LORD OF ALL.
He was hated by the People He came to save. He was beaten by the People He came to Heal. But, on the Resurrection morning, the story changed. Heaven won the victory!
Don't give up.

Are you willing to surrender to Jesus?
He's waiting for you.
Accept Jesus Today!
Call on JESUS, He'll come Right in.

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