Does It Makes Sense?


Does it makes sense?

Last year,

I had a dream that my phone was smashed with an hammer, when I woke up with that burden, I pray in tongues then makes some declaration.

That same night, my phone fell off twice or so, and nothing happened to it (because God has gone ahead). You could image the height of the falling.

If God is so concerned about the very little details of our lives, how much in matters that are weighty.

I believe in God's Leading, cos I'm here today because God spoke. I know there are many things going on social media today, but if truly you Know the God of the Bible, He lead His Own Children.

The scriptures is sauced with records of How led His people, and even in the days of our Fathers, they did exploits because God led them.

Today's believers, want to do everything by intellectual capital, Harvard certificates, Bachelor's Pride, and forget that "(Romans 8:14) For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."

Does it makes sense or you have joined the cargo of "Self, Myself, My Brain, My Knowledge?"

Let it makes sense to you before it is too late.


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