Trading your Talent
Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When I mean "crowd', I don't mean your "circle". . Distinctiveness is not the achieved by being a copycat. The sheep will only " hear " the voice of who shepherd them. If you have found your call, the response you'll hear will be the she…
Next »Psalm 23:4 KJV Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. In ancient times, rods and staves were essential tools for shepherds. The rod represented the shepherd's authority, while the staff symbolized their guidance and support. (Ai Dictionary) David said, "…
Next »M.I.R.R.O.R **** To a very large extent, there won't be much productivity and relativity without a model or samples to follow. Most products are improvements on others products. They had an imitation to follow and they get their result. God is so much concerned about what we look at because it will become the template of what we will look like. Every concept …
Next »PATIENCE *** Amongst the fruits of the Spirit; gentleness, meekness, and long-suffering are pointers to how the ways of God are formulated. If you're the hurry type, 'get-it-quick-ASAP kind, you'll not travel far with God. With God, you'll be patient - with endurance. God is not in a hurry, He knows what He's doing. Patience is not a weakness,…
Next »Faith not Fate! *** James 4:15 KJV For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. A child of God is called to walk by FAITH , not fate. A child of God doesn't live his or her life to the mercies of " chances ". (Even "chances" are premeditated calculations, not abstract). A child of God doesn't take …
Next »Trading your Talent . There's no one that standout distinctively by following the crowd. When…
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