The Boy Child


The Boy Child


For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” - Genesis 18:19

So many expectations on the boy child, but only few of them grew up to recognize the burden of responsibilities laid on their shoulders. 

Because many factors are involved: family effect, environmental issues and identity issues can affect the effectiveness of a boy child.

Most boy child always love to look up to a father figure who can model to him the right way of fatherhood but most times they were not provided. Many grew up without supervision, training and adequate knowledge of what is expected. 

It is quick to blame the male child and see them as total failure, but when you put your thought into process, you'll know this is the time to wake up to salvage the next generation.

1. Embracing the Fatherhood of God is first step to knowing your identity and growing into Godkind of man. Be born again, and let the Holy Spirit renew your mind and thought into Christ's. 

2. A responsible family. While there can be issues here, if you came from one, give thanks to God. Or find a father figure you can emulate the right kind of Leadership. 

3. Gather knowledge - the right knowledge. Many books have been written to help you become a better man as prescribed by the scriptures. If you don't come from a family that models the right leadership to you, become one yourself. Read books.

4. You have no excuse. The church is there for training under the right pastoral care. Attend seminars and conferences. Build yourself. Walk with the Holy Spirit and let Him forge you into Jesus-kind of man.

Your background shouldn't be your final parameter.

Jesus paid the price for your wholeness. 

You can be better!

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