There's been a lots of Do's and Don't as regards the coming year.

We can't restrict people from sharing their point of views and perspectives. People have different points of focus as to what is and what's not. It's a good one, every organisations has.

In the midst it all, DON'T BE CONFUSED.

1. Know the one that is for you.

2. Know what God is saying to you personally, as a denomination, and as a family. You might as well run with that. If you're sampling every words you hear, you'll ended up confused and will achieve nothing at the end of the year.

So, in all of your planning for next year, DON'T FORGET GOD.

If God isn't the First on your list, your list inconsiderable.

1. Love God more

2. Grow in the knowledge of Him and His Word

3. Serve Him more and better.

4. Set Spiritual Challenge for yourself, like finishing the Bible in 6 months.

If we keep on feeding our creative life, material needs, business developments and our soul is weak and our spirit is insensitive to God, it is only a matter of time before everything run of tune.

When God is acknowledged, He'll acknowledge our needs. Don't be deceived that because you church a lot, you'll barely have a successful impact. That's a lie. God is the one that supervise of our success. Understanding and Creating Balance is the key!

Also, if you're yet to surrender to Jesus, you can do it now. Don't enter the new year without Jesus. The Journey is a long one, and you'll need an Ally to accompany you.

God bless you.


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