Sometimes last year, a pastor friend called me concerning an issue that happened in their meeting.

They were having a retreat, and suddenly a sister seems to be "Prophesying" to people in the meeting. It was a small gathering. In the long run, there was commotion and confusion. Some said, "that prophecy isn't from God", others said "it is from God". It was a serious case. 

Prior to the meeting, the sister (who was prophesying) already had issues with certain person (people), that resulted to inward bitterness. Some said, she was speaking as a result of what has happened. They had to reach an 'elder in the faith' to solve the matter before it dies down.

1. There are people that uses prophecy to tied people down. It may look like "word from God" but via discernment we can picked that it is a manipulation. We need to really understand what prophecy is about and how it is meant to be served. Never used prophecy to tied or manipulate people.

2. Our Living (Christian Life) is very much important than our manifestation of the gifts. Reason why Apostle Paul said "I die daily". If there's bitterness in my heart, I'll rather seek the Lord to heal my heart, than to mix it together with God's sacred gift. In the end, the profit won't be maximised.

3. Walking in the Spirit is the hallmark of our Christian Faith. God is profited when we walk and work in the Spirit. It is possible to do "God's work" in the energy of the flesh. It may look nice but God isn't part of it. The antidote to the flesh is the Spirit.

When you noticed that you're not in good terms with the Lord, maybe has a result of some issues. Ask Him to heal you before Ministering to people In order to make much profit to the Kingdom.

The deliverer also need to be delivered.

Galatians 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

God is helping us.

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