Talents, gifts and resources in the hand of an unregenerated man will always be a tool for the devil to use, and that tool might later wound the owner later.

When a life is not under God's government, it is open to different kinds of manipulation.

Someone may have a wonderful vocal gift or creative ideas, but the use of it, isn't bringing profit to God and the Kingdom.

At salvation, we acknowledged the Lordship of Jesus, thus, making Him LORD OVER EVERYTHING, including your talents and gifts. That way, by the ministry of the Holy Spirit in you, your gifts and talents can benefit God. And of course, the Labourer is worthy of his meat.

Technology is a good initiative, but when it is used and supervised by people who doesn't know God, their ideas, thinking and uses will always be against God. Of course, we that already happening in our time.

God is the one that loaded us with all potentials. 

Psalms 68:19 Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.

But because of the inherited sinful nature, the gifts and talents will have to yield to the old man's nature. The gift won't be properly maximised and used profitably except the folk is BORN AGAIN.

In whatever endeavour, job, business, career, skills, talents, gifts, ministries and others. For you to be able to be a profit to God and His Kingdom by your life, talents and gifts, you'll need to surrender to Jesus. That way, you'll find purpose and the pleasures on the heart of God.

Life without Jesus, is a life lost. Though, prospering in material things. It is only a while before the root dries off.


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