12 people had just returned from a brief journey. The whole camp was happy to know the outcome of the trip. Some of them weren't happy because of they saw, while others remain positive irrespective of what they saw.

Moses had just sent 12 spies to check the promised land. 10 people came back with negative feedback while remaining 2 decided to believe God over whatever they've seen. The giants were there, but God is ever present. Should men make us doubt the capacity of our God?

The whole camp turn against Moses because of the negative feedback they heard - the shun the positive ones. This new year, be careful of what and who you listen to. To much of negativity will kill the spirit of positivity. God came into the camp, killed those who doubted Him.

Numbers 13:33 And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Numbers 14:37 Even those men that did bring up the evil report upon the land, died by the plague before the LORD.

The Lord has told you great things personally and through His Servant. Don't let anything make you doubt it. Not even social media or News. At most, you can turn off the radio so you can focus more on what God is saying. The Journey is quite long to begin on a note of doubt and negativity.

The Spirit of God in us helps us to sustain positivity in the midst of the storms.

Positive words
Positive friends
Positive associations
Positive connections
Positive thoughts

Dear friend,
Don't journey this year without Jesus.
He longs for you to be saved
Accept Jesus Today.


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