Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

This scripture is a popular one.

Whenever we read this scripture, we mostly term it into monetary value, food or material things. I'm also guilt of it. But not until I read an article by Charles Spurgeon, I gain deeper understanding of that scripture.

1. There are different types of needs

2. There are many ways God meets our need.

Whenever that scripture is read, don't focus your mind to only one particular thing, open your heart to the Holy Spirit to bring His Word to pass. He knows our needs.

I might think I need money, cloth, shoes, connections, but God truly knows what I need. He searches the heart.


1. Spiritual Needs

2. Emotional Needs

3. Material Needs

4. Financial Needs

5. Academic Needs

6. Marital Needs,

And many others.

If you're going through emotional issues, that scripture is applicable to you. Because It is only God that can meet your EMOTIONAL Needs.


God cannot be boxed. He's awesome in His ways. He can use anything and anybody. Ravens and donkey are not left behind. The ability to pray and trust God to bring His word to pass is called Faith.

1. He can inspire you with a scripture. And that heals your heart.

2. He can send His vessel to you. (Note, this is not literally "Men of God", but Children of God. God can send any of His Children to you - including His Servants)

3. It could be via an Anointed sermon.

4. Via Dreams or Vision.

5. Maybe when studying the scriptures.

6. Maybe during Sunday service. Through the pastor's preaching or via worship service.

7. Angelic Encounters, and many others.

Remember, the needs are not only Monetary value, BUT ALL NEEDS.

Whatever our needs are, God had a way of meeting them. You maybe going through spiritual battles, discouragement, or spiritually weak. God can meet that need.

Matthew 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?  

6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father KNOWETH THAT YE HAVE NEED of all these things.  

6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Are you trusting God for something?

Let's trust Him together because He's Faithful to His Word.

He'll meet all our NEEDS in Jesus Name.



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Accept Jesus Today!

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