The Valley of Dry Bones


The Valley of Dry Bones

Ezekiel  37:1 The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,  

37:2 And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.

The valley of dry bones shows us that men are helpless and hopeless without God. It takes the breath of God to make a man alive. You'll need God to live again.

In this case, all bones were the same. Whether you're a general in the army, or you went to Harvard University, or you were the best Forbes of the year, or you were the richest man on earth, or whatever you're, all bones were the same. They were helpless and useless.

This calls for humble reflection to us. We live in a world that doesn't know our God. Men of evil thoughts, plans, and intentions. Man was designed to function in and through God, once they are not connected to Him, they become dry - and that very dry. What makes a man function is (1) the breath of life. This was given at creation. The physical life. Given by God. (2) eternal life. Which is the life of God through Christ, to anyone who is born again. Man can't come into his original design without eternal life - ZOE. The physical life only survives in the realm, eternity is another journey.

Today, people mount status of riches, influence, and arrogance. They form tactics against the Lord and His church. They forgot that man was made from the dust. In the end, what truly matters is the life of Jesus, and lived for God. If you journey in God, you'll understand that nothing else matters again except God. When you come into the full knowledge of Christ, things of the world you run after become insignificant. Let the arrogant be humble before the Lord and serve Him - the owner of our soul.

One thing is challenging in the whole chapter, GOD IS ABLE. 

He's able to forgive and restore. 

He's able to bring up again from the dead.

He's able to cause a turnaround.

He's able to do amazing things.

If we'll humble ourselves and repent, we seek the Lord.

If any area of your life seems DRY, don't worry the Lord is here to change the situation. Just call on Him today.

If you're yet to accept Jesus, kindly do now.

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