Handling Rejection (Part Two)



Judges  11:2 And Gilead's wife bare him sons; and his wife's sons grew up, and they thrust out Jephthah, and said unto him, Thou shalt not inherit in our father's house; for thou art the son of a strange woman.  

11:3 Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him

Rejection, somehow, is an integral part of life. That is rejection as a seldom event, not as a lifestyle. If that's the case (constant occurrences), you might need to break that bondage. People have experienced rejection in one way or the other. Some have committed suicide, while some others have jumped into the ocean, while some battled with low self-esteem and others Wish they could just disappear in a moment.

Rejection has bold good and bad sides, and sometimes God allows it to shape us. God might want to save you from an unforeseen event, and He allows them to sack you or reject your application letter. He has a reason why that relationship didn’t work out. From what perspective are you seeing the rejection?

Someone may reject you from working with them, from a relationship, from a family gathering possibly because you're not "rich" enough, from a circle of friends, or from an association. So it is how you handle it that determines how you'll BECOME.

Jephthah was rejected because he was born by a harlot. He left them, groom himself and some other people together with him. When the time came, the same people who rejected him came and begged him to be their leader. Low self-esteem has been a major problem placing limitations on people's abilities and potentials. Many people who have broken records today, were once faced with rejections many times, but they didn't GIVE UP. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ was rejected by some of the Pharisees and Sadducees - even among His own people, but now He's the Lord overall. He endured the process. When a rejection occurs, know God’s position on the matter. God could allow some rejection to draw us to Himself, especially if God needs your attention. He'll make arrangements. Not all rejection is BAD, some are orchestrated by God to draw closer to Him. And sometimes, God might have been sounding a warning alarm, and we are not paying attention. 

I've faced different rejections from different angles, but that is not enough to stop one from LIVING. Purpose must be fulfilled. Especially as believers, how we handle situations must be different from an unbeliever. Others may commit suicide because of rejection, but not you. You're the Father's Sons and Daughters. You carry the royal blood of Jesus. Thus, there's a way to handle it and live blessedly.

Rejection can come with;

1. Sadness

2. Low self-esteem

3. Bitterness and anger

4. Confusion

5. Wishing oneself bad things to happen

6. Looking down on oneself potential and abilities

7. Looking irrelevant in society

And of course, bitterness could take hold of one's heart and make you hate the person or situation that brings the rejection. But, that is wrong as a child of God. Thus, we need to live in peace and righteousness. Rejection shouldn't be a reason not to move up and pursue purpose. Even in the midst of the pain, God is making something new. Don't become "useless" because you are not accepted, improve and watch God move you up.


For many people, there are different opinions, but from biblical perspectives, there's an approach to things. Most especially, the Bible encourages us that, "Romans  8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

1. Draw closer to God.

For me personally, rejection has always drawn me to God. I believe that if I stay with Him, He'll make me better, and more into His plans for Him. Let it draw you closer to God. Those bad thoughts may keep coming, but don't let them rule. Remember, it is not the end but a bend. What others rejected you for, maybe the reason why many will come for you. Know God’s position on the matter.

Luke  17:25  But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.

2. Learn from it.

Take a look at the scenarios, which may not be easy at the moment. But when you're "back to yourself". Take a look at the situation. It could be God who did that. It could be a character. It could be that someone is backbiting you. Take a look at the situation, learn from it, and grow better. Learn the lessons, and move on.

3. Desire to Grow up.

There are some positions today that you can't get to by just wishing, you need to grow to match that reality. If I want to see Dangote today, I'll need to prepare myself in a way to position myself. If you're rejected from that job because of your lack of skill. Learn the skills better, acquire Certification, you'll realize that you'll become better than before. Let the rejection push you to become better than the former. 

4. Pray.

What do you say when you're rejected? "God, why me?", "Oh it is finished," or "Thank you, Jesus". 

Instead of saying negative words to yourself, turn into Thanksgiving and prayer. At that moment, the only person that understands you is God alone. He wants to hear your heart. You will feel relieved.

5. Find the right Ventilation.

While some go after hard drinks - alcohol, to drink themselves to death. You don't. You can speak to your friends who can understand you. Let them counsel and encourage you. You can take a stroll around to cool off the heat. You can watch a good movie. You can go to your pastor. You can speak to fervent brethren in Christ. You can take a shower. You can have a personal time with yourself just to meditate on God's word and promises. This way, you shut the devil up!

6. The Word and the Spirit.

Psalms  23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

The word of God will come to you, allow it. When the Holy Spirit is giving you comfort in your Spirit, don't shun it. Allow it. That way, your spirit man is strengthened, then you can move forward.

(Watch out for part 3)

Remember, as a believer our fight is different, and our weapons of warfare are different. If perhaps, rejection has become a constant thing in your life, you'll need to break that bondage. That's abnormal. This write-up is just to help us handle rejection of any kind.

If you're yet to accept Jesus, you can do it now. He died for you. Accept His Love Today.

You're better and stronger with Him.

For anyone going through pains of rejection, the Lord comforts you today and heals your heart. Every cause of rejection is handled in Jesus' Name. I decree favor upon you in Jesus' Name. 

Go forward in Jesus' Name.

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