The Back End Theory.

Sooner, you'll find out, that this world is indeed a small world.

Every software and application has a back-end management system that helps to keep track of every data and process. Thus, with this, you can retrieve information at any time you need it, maybe now or in the future.

I prefer not to talk about what happened some weeks ago with Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. I guess some of us have found out what the issue is. The fact that you can still login back to your space is a good example that back-end management exists that keeps your records.

There's nothing you do on your phone, via browsing, applications, SMS, and the likes that aren’t saved somewhere. MTN can decide to leak your secret to the world. There's nothing that doesn't have a record, especially in this digital age.

When a man is lying to his wife that he doesn't have a side chick, his network provider can unveil his calls and text messages. Even in this world, your actions can be tracked. Your browsing since you enter the internet can be brought out to you. Google map, satellites, and many locations updates can unveil secrets.

So, the back-end management staff monitors your activities. Your location, your lies, how many accounts you open, people you defraud, and the likes. So, nothing is really secret. Even if you use someone's face, the record is in the server.

With this little analogy, you'll understand that this world is very small. Facebook, Google, and every other tech firm can decide to shut down or reveal secrets, you'll be shocked with what will happen. Because they control THE BACK END. Thus, power is in their hand.

If this is limited to the physical world, how much more is the God of the Whole Universe. Who is not limited by time and space. He sees even to the thoughts and intentions. If we have this understanding, we will FEAR HIM.

2 Chronicles  16:9a For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.

Hebrews  4:13  Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

Nothing is kept secret, they are open all before God.

Whatever you do in secret will be displayed one day. 

So, live with this consciousness.

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You can do it now.

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