
One of the major prophet,

A man of God,

Ran for his life when Jezebel threatened him. Having done great exploits, he still took to his heel because of a brag and desire to die.

What did God do?

Rebuke Him for running? No.

Beat Him for Running? No.

Kill him at his own request? No.

He sent His Angel to comfort Him. 

What a Good and Gracious God we serve who delight in the prosperity of His Servants.

He gave him food to eat. Twice.

Eat for the journey is still far.

1. I'm not done with you yet. Eat more for you'll do more for Me.

2. The challenges draw Him closer to God. Who and what is your challenges pushing towards?

3. Jezebel thought she had won, but Prophecy came back with full strength and she died without remedy. Is there anything our God cannot do? None.

4. He ate and went into God's presence for communion. Let's eat the word and prayer. His Presence is heaven to us. What kind of food are you eating?

There are situations and challenges of life that looks like "Jezebel". The challenges stare you in the face, to threatened your faith in God.

Beloved, God loves you. Don't lose heart.

Isaiah 59:19b When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

The Spirit of the Lord will route the enemy for us.

Hold Tight.

Help His Coming.

Can't you see? The Help of the Lord.

Have you accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour? Do it NOW!!

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