A Message


A Message

We were a group of brethren that loves the Lord. We pray together and fast, so that we can be built up and apprehend God.

As we grow we have numerous encounters and the mighty hand of God. We were United in love and do things together. We check on ourselves. We prayer for one another.

When one of us, slide back, we took him to God, He was restored. That's how we enjoyed our Fellowship in the Lord. Everything we had, we share together. We make sure, as we seek the Lord in vigour, we also minister to ourselves in need.

After sometime, the Hand of God came upon one of us. He became great man in the territory. People call him here and there for ministerial assignment. He stood so tall. We were so happy God has chosen a man. He became popular and well known.

But sooner, He doesn't pick our calls. He said we should speak to his PA. We can't visit him except we filled a form. We waited sometimes, and we couldn't see him. Has he forgotten us? How we eat together in one bowl? But, he was busy counseling others, but not us.

After sometime, we decided to stay back. And pray for him. Sometimes, we listen to some of his ministrations, we noticed he's going dry. He has lost fellowship with the Lord. We try hard to get to him, but his PA was our bus stop. We gathered the brethren one night, and beseech the Lord. That night, He called us by himself. And we cry together on phone and pray.

Following day, he left the invitation aside and took us in. And we eat and share the scriptures as at other times. We were all refreshed and enjoy God's grace on Him. Our Fellowship in Jesus still remains. Sometimes, he come over to us and we discuss together. And JESUS IS GLORIFIED.

_____________(This write-up came by Inspiration, not by anyone's story).

Psalms 133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

Don't neglect your "brothers" who stood by you when you're nothing. You can't outgrow the Body of Believers. Stay in Love. Stay Safe.

(This message was inspired by the Holy Spirit, I wrote as I was led)


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