What Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

Mark 10:52 And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way.

There are many reasons why people came to Jesus. Some came for healing, deliverance and food, but only few reciprocate His Love by Doing what is Necessary.

Out of the ten lepers, Only came back to give thanks. In this verse, after the blind man received his sight, HE FOLLOWED JESUS IN THE WAY.

If Jesus give you that child today, will you still follow Him?

If you get that admission today, will you still Follow Him?

I need a wife or husband, after that, will you still follow Jesus?

After you bag your degree and many trophies, will you still follow Jesus?

People are more humble when they need help, but after receiving the help, what next?

If Jesus healed you Now, will you followed Him? Or will you just cleave to your healing alone and forget about Him?

I know you need promotion and speed, if you get it today, will you still submit it to Jesus?

If you get that house and car today, will you still pick the pastor's call?

There's different between Being Healed and Being Whole. Only those who followed, retain their Blessing.

The reason why you've been close to your pastor is because you need PRAYERS, after God honour it, what next? Will you still love Jesus?

Healing is the Children's Bread. Only those who followed on, get to eat the whole Meal.

To retain your miracle, you need to FOLLOWED HIM, because Outside Him, everything else loses its essence.

Let's be intentional. Following Him requires being intentional.

Jesus Loves you!

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