God isn't a Magician


God isn't a Magician

God isn't a magician, He's a God of Process. He's Jehovah Overdo, and sometimes not Jehovah "sharp sharp". He's KING, who doeth as He please.

He has the power to made all the creations in a day. Yet, He divided them into different days. After He had completed the day task, He'll sit back and observe, and He said "It was good". And on the seventh day, He Rest.

God doesn't cut corners. He's Eternity in Himself. He's not in a rush not compelled by any man to do anything. "He does what pleases Him"

The person who ate with the devil and he think he's prospering, it is only but a moment. He'll soon pass away. If you bypass the process so that you can enjoy "a day", you'll lose the "seventh day" of rest. The devil has no free gift.

Psalms 37:1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.  

37:2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

Endure the process God is taking you through. He didn't spare His Son Jesus, but make Him an example for us, that after the cross we'll Receive the crown.

That's why Faith is Kingdom Treasure. Faith, keeps us on the rope. God is MAKING us through what we go through. Provided your "suffering" isn't on the Account of sin, God is with you!

Remember, God isn't a magician. He's a God of Process with reward. He'll reward us soon. Keep the faith!

Born Again? Accept Jesus Today!

© ThelifeinHispalm

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