The Child and the Fire


There is a kindled fire,
Burning with fuse, so furious,
Its sight is glaring and scary,
Unforgiving it's prey.

There's a child, wild and free,
Who is encroaching to the fire,
The unforgiving fire, so hot,
Walking closer and closer.

And here, his father was there,
Watching the scene, shakes his head,
Running towards the child,
To deliver, from the unforgiving fire.

Cleansed, washed and robed,
Poured the water away and curdled,
Instructed not to walk into the fire,
Lest, you will be burnt without help.

Sin is the fire, its sting  kills,
God sends His Love, Only Begotten Son,
To save and deliver you from your sins,
Lest you perish in hell, the eternal fire.

Jesus calleth you, oh ye sinners,
Your walk into the fire is unprofitable,
It will consume and kill you,
Accept His Love Today, the eternal Life.

Glory to God 🙏

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Asaolu Ruth said…
God sends His love, Only begotten Son🔥🔥🔥