How to achieve Spiritual Journaling

Habakkuk  2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

From the above scripture, you'll see that it was God who told the Prophet to jot down the Vision. The best inheritance for the next generation is to pass on the word of the Lord to them. God Encourages writing because He's our Maker. Just like when a woman is pregnant, she'll monitor the pregnancy for 9 months till the day of delivery. So also, we need to keep track of whatever the Lord has spoken to us. It could be;

1. A Miracle

2. An Encounter

3. An experience

4. An understanding of the Scripture that prompts into your spirit.

5. An instruction

6. A VISION, Dream, or Revelation

7. A warning or Prophecy

8. A word for yourself or someone

9. A Message that is Inspired by the Holy Ghost

10. An idea

11. A Song

.... write it down.

As we walk with God, many Experiences are bound to occur, we must be a good student of the school of the Spirit and note things down. I know many people are a student of writing, I'm just encouraging us to do much more. Remember, I said in the previous write-up that, it could be Personal or Global. If God has spoken concerning your family or nation, write it down, and push it in prayer. Remind Him of His Word.

A generation is coming, that will need it.


1. Be Determine to Practice it. The Lord will help you to achieve it.

2. Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

3. Get necessary materials. Get your book, pen, diary. Anything that will make you comfortable. Storing them on your device like a phone or laptop isn't advisable in the long run except you've back up.

4. Be disciplined. Be Discipline to write down.

5. Be fast about it. Some Inspiration could be so fast if you don't catch it. it would be lost.

6. Be Intentional. Again, it is left to you. Be Serious about it.

7. Be Up-to-date. Be Spiritually Up-to-date. God speaks every day. Read your bible and pray. Fellowship with Brethren to be constant in the Spirit.

Read the next part.


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