Spiritual Journaling

A proof that you're an eligible student of an institution is not by your visits to the school but by having your note and pen, ready to learn. In English, we have note-making and note-taking, here, you'll need a notebook to converse your thoughts.

The same applies to our Spiritual life. Many things we inherited from Our Fathers of Faith are their writings, books, and tapes. We don't get to meet many of them but as they journey with God, they pen down beneficial words (I'm not saying it is a replacement for the word of God).

As a student in the school of the Spirit, you'll need to journal as you journey with the Lord. Some Things which are personal or to someone else. Your brain can forget many things, that's why the Holy Spirit needs to remind us.

So, as you journey with God, practice Journaling!

One of your children could stumble on it someday and get enlightened on certain spiritual terms.

Write Down His Instructions for you, not on Facebook Note.

Is he teaching you things? Put it down!

Is he giving Prophecies and Promises? Put it down!

Is he giving resolutions and plans? Put it down!

are there spiritual encounters? Write it down!

are there revelations? Write it down.

This helps you to visit again, gives directions, and helps you to remind God of what He has said to you in the place of prayer.

Track your journey with the Holy Spirit, keep track of what God is saying and doing. Don't rely on your brain, it has a lot of information to keep already! (It is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing).

Jotting down your Spiritual experiences is different from writing a book. At every point of your daily walk and encounters with God, remember to put down the information. It serves as a reference for future purposes.

How will you Practice Spiritual Journaling when you have not met JESUS? How can you do that, when you don't know God?

Jesus is the experience that we journal, without Jesus there's nothing to the journal.

Come Up Hither!

The Holy Spirit is ready to help your walk with God.

Are you born again?

Accept Jesus Today!

John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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