Whatever isn't breathing isn't living.

Under the umbrella of Relationship, a lot aren't breathing but dying. Dying of Purpose and expression of potentials. It is one thing to discover Purpose and it is another thing to walk with someone you'll allow you to live that Purpose.

Adam came first because of many reasons, and of which, so that eve can be groomed by him. God shifted all the leadership roles to the man, so he can coach his wife. In most Relationships today, it is more like "nothing to show for". As a man, the way you build your wife is the way she'll become. 

Help her to discover Purpose.

Hep her business

Help her Vision

Help her Understanding

Help her career

These are the true definition of love. Being in a relationship, and no Positive things to show forth is waste of time. As a man, groom her to become better. Even if she has something to do, help her achieve more. That's why you're the head, except if the head is filled with nothing!

Women have many capacities than men, and only a wise man will help them tailored their strength in the right way. They have a lot of potentials within them, but instead of them to BREATHE out Purpose and potentials, many remain silent and struggling. If sex has become the order in your relationship when you're not married, YOU CAN’T BREATHE. It will choke you. (Unless you genuinely turn to the Lord for repentance).

Dear man, help her grow. Teach her one or two things she needs to know. Be proud of whom she's becoming. She's your Glory. It is from the Relationship stage we will know how the Marriage will be. Trust God to help you.

True Relationship isn't to kill Purpose but to be "fruitful and multiply"


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Unknown said…
Thanks sir for this....your spring won't be corrupted sir.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Sir. I have a question.
You mentioned "helping her to discover purpose".Isn't a woman supposed to discover her purpose before getting on a relationship?