Teens Revival

Many teens out there needs Jesus. Some of them were exposed to wiles early. You could be grateful that you're born in a Christian home or that your parents were disciplinarian or much more that you've met JESUS.

But, there are those who didn't enjoy the disciplines you had that prevent you from doing some "wrongs". Many were not Privilege to hear what you hear. They are out there, exposed and infiltrated by evil vices. Some are 'Yahoo' and a secret Prostitute. But, you can Make a Difference in their Life by Bringing them to JESUS. Most of them became who they are not because they want to. So, because you're not like them doesn't mean they are not made for Greatness. God made us ALL for His GLORY.

Many of them become 'Touts' (Vagabond) because of lack of good parental care. Most of our 'girls' are used for evil experiment even at tender age. They became object of sexual vices against their wish, and because there was no 'good' counsel, they turn over to wickedness. You and I can spread the light. Some have become 'tears' for their parents, and some parents are fed up.

Do you know what?

Jesus Died for Them. And He's much Ready to save them. The 'extensions of evil' Is not as a result of geographical locations or gender, it came as a result of the Fall of Man. Thus, men became corrupt (...and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen 6vs5).


The Light of JESUS is shining over our teens at this time. They will be covered with the Glory of God and the Knowledge of God as the water covers the sea. They'll see the salvation of the Lord in Jesus Name.

Do you have a teen who seems out of course? Good news, Jesus Will Touch Him or Her!

Bring them to JESUS.
He'll save them.

Just a Soul is enough!


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