God Of Our Fathers

Psalms 105:15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.

Sometimes last year, I was going through "down" moments. I got speaking with my mom via phone, and through our conversations, she encouraged me in the Lord and speak words of faith to me and my soul got anointed and I got revived. And I'd like to share two things the Lord is laying in my heart.

1. Our parents may not be able to do the Demonstrations we do, but their Faith and Love for God cannot be ignored. They may not speak in much tongues, but the Know Him. Their audacious faith has helped many of us through life. Because they seek the Lord, it became easy for us to follow suit. Many of them made covenant with God that has helped many of us till now. They simply Loved God.

2. Our Parents Respect Men of God. It is in this generations where "young" people thought it is not worth it. I've seen aged generations appreciate God's servants, not just by giving, but from the heart because the scripture say so.

Not in our world today, where anybody can come online to rebuff and say many nonsense. Just because there are false ones out there, doesn't mean God hasn't reserved the "7000" for Himself.

The above scripture is very Valid and pure according to the Intention of The Holy Scripture. I'm not talking about those who used it to justify "evils". I'm saying, the word of God cannot be broken. Honoring a man is different from idolism. That is where people get it wrong.

Our generation today want to be Men of God themselves, which is not wrong, but with a rebellious Intention to forsake the "Servants of God". There are protocol that God has put in place, and It can't be broken. God makes His Ministers "flames of Fire". Our parents got it right, and love the Lord.

It doesn't mean to "FEAR" the man of God, but to give honor to whom it is due. The Word of God is simple. You may know so much by knowledge, but they know so much by Encounters with Him.

Things that wasn't done in many generations ago are now happening now because everyone wants to sound "woke" and become a man of God overnight, and doesn't want to have connections with the genuine ones God has put in place. That's how many people go about teaching nonsense and scripture out of context.

If you Know God yourself, His Word will become clear to you. Many people don't allow the Holy Spirit to interpret the scripture for them, they do by intellect. Don't let social media eradicate your sense of respect and Honor. God is Real as His Word. 

Honor is the Kingdom's Culture.

Our Parents Knows God. Do you know God?

"Let him that read this, read it to understand."


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Unknown said…
Accurate sir!
Thanks for sharing
Unknown said…
Faith of our fathers living still.
Thank God. Thanks for engaging.