I Am Older Than Him


Pastor I can't marry Bro sola, He's younger than me. How will he cope or how will I feel. Will I be respecting someone even younger than my junior brother. Pastor I can't o. I can't. And I mean I can't. How will he take care of Me? More so I can't give my body to Him.

(I'm writing to Christian Sisters)

Truthfully, this is most of our reactions in likeness of marrying someone older than you. Most Times we think like "ordinary men" and not like daughter of God. For if you have the understanding of spiritual relation you will know that his age isn't a factor. So far, God is leading you both together. Some sisters, From their words you will know that this person isn't going to say "yes" talk less of agreeing. I'm not saying deciding on age difference isn't good but when it comes to destiny and Eternal purpose, God's will should rule above ours. It takes genuine sisters whose heart God has worked upon to really submit to God's instructions. I tell you, you see the fulfilment of your purpose and getting children is tied to that fellow God has ordained for you. If you because of age neglect him, you might not recover from the reward when time comes.

Prepare your heart to obey God's instructions, knowing that He's a Father who love is children. 
I don't say you shouldn't think about the age difference but as a responsible Lady, you can reply in love. God don't think the way we think, and that is why His plan is always bigger. May I tell you sister, if there's someone out there telling you to neglect God's counsel, that person is only digging up the pain of the Latter Days. In respect of age difference, probably the widest range should be 5years or less if above, if God is the driver then no stopping. 

I understand that he's still in school and you are through, I understand that your appetite to getting married is much more than of him wanting to get married. I understand that before He secure a job your beauty might have been going off. I understand how you think your parents will feel when you introduce Him as your hubby. I understand how that his parents will think about you saying "he married his elder sister". It is in man to think in a confined and traditional way, but our lives is lived by Faith in God. I understand how you think he won't amount to anything in the next 5 years. I understand that you have waited but will I Now "marry a guy like my younger ones". Those thoughts are real, except you overcome them by the Help of the Holy Spirit. I have heard of Christians whose Wife are older and they are doing fine. Some were age mates. It has nothing to do with age but Eternal purpose. But pastor I don't have feelings for him. I don't like his look. All these things are bound to happen, it is what the flesh is seeing, but change the view to God's eyes, you will see a wonderful brother, whose Destiny will brighten thy life.

It might be because of him that the Glory of your family will be restored. It might be because of him that the evil intended, won't happened. Now adays, it is not even the brother that think this, because he's ready to accept God's will, but the Sisters. And some of them are missing it. My dear, Knowing his age isn't a problem but don't let it be a reacting tool to his proposal. Think about the contents in the container not the container. Let God direct.

Part 1.

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