Before You Rant!

A Lady Wrote: "all men are bad, Evil, Liars, Cheaters. In fact, the least of them is worse than an animal. There's nothing good about them"

Another Lady Wrote: "I have met couple of guys. Though some can be cunny but I have also met few ones who are true and genuine,
I have more male friends than female friends, They are just the best folks to be with".

What do you think is the problem here?

We all grew up from different backgrounds, We have different perspectives, We have different orientations, We have different parents, We have met different people, We have different approach to things, Our base of knowledge varies and because of how we have been raised we tend to adjust to that "way of living" as the norms.

Some enjoyed good relationships with their parents while growing up, some didn't. 
In fact, some don't know their parents. 
Yeah, it's true!

From the two case studies given above, you can deduce what has happened to one and what has happened to the other. 
We all have different opinions and views about people, and it determines the way we relate with them.

Wrong perspectives about people can close doors of opportunities.
Sustaining wrong mindset will hinder positive Growth.

At Redemption we have the Mind of Christ that is opposite of the fallen man. The Holy Spirit helps us to see things in true reality. Your father who seemed not to care for you might have done it out of ignorance. Many things could have occasioned it. 

That's why the Holy Spirit, Our Helper, unfolds our mind with the truth so that we can be adequately helped. I know you've sustained some negative mindset in this process.

But, Can you submit it to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. 
Renew your mind with God's Word, and you will be well strengthened, your discernment will be accurate.

Things may not be as true as it seems except the Spirit of Truth helps our perspectives.

Trust the Holy Spirit. 
Let Him heal you. 
Let Him help you. 
Speak to Him, He hears.
Sustaining wrong mindset is liken to cancer. The Lord is nigh to you, draw nearer!

Ìré o (Blessings)

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